boast post
I mean it rhymes. How could I not? I'm sorry.
“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
This. Just all of this.
We live in a Facebook world. Whether or not we want to admit it, we're all pretty aware of our online profile. We post the good stuff, with just enough of the not so perfect thrown in for good measure so we don't seem too unrealistic. Maybe I'm the only one guilty of cropping toddler underwear out of a picture (or the underwearless toddler, but whatever) or moving the dirty dishes so that I can get a good picture of something without all the mess.
And really we should use discernment in what we post online and even what we say or portray face to face. I advise my 14 year old to be aware of the social profile that she's creating every time she goes online. We talk about how 10 years from now, her prospective employer will be able to view what she's posted online. I mean, seriously, could you imagine taking your mother with albums of middle school pictures of yourself to a job interview? How amazing would that all go!?!?
Sometimes though, we are too aware of our profiles. Or maybe we're not even aware of them at all anymore because we've just made it a habit to constantly put a filter on everything, assuring that we are always cast in our best light.
All of that though, is the exact opposite of what we should be doing. Boasting in our weaknesses. Not sweeping them under a rug. Not locking them in a closet until the company leaves. Not leaving them under the seat of the car so no one sees them while we enter a place and put on our best selves. Not mumbling something about it under our breath. Not making a joke of it. Boasting about it.
It's time to get our brag on, people, especially with those that you are close to. Get real. Because when we admit that we struggle with something, the most amazing thing happens! Two things actually. The first is that it loses it's power. Once our weaknesses see the light of day, the enemy can't use them to condemn us in the same way he did before. Oh, he'll still try, but it just isn't as effective, because the second thing that happens is that God redeems it!
He takes someone like me, who struggled with anger and words for so many years, and He lets me speak and write words about Him. I am not fit to mutter His name, to say even a word in His presence. Strong-willed though I may be, I could not change my anger, my ugly words. But God redeems. He takes the broken, the weak, the unworthy and turns them into something beautiful. And sometimes I still struggle, to this day (yes, this one) with anger. But each time it crops up, even though I hate when it happens, so much, it also reminds me that nothing good that I do is of my own strength. It's all because of God's perfect power and grace.