kind words
It's been a rough couple days here. On Tuesday WonderHubs was let go from his job. It wasn't really unexpected, but it still kind of jolts you. But really, we are good. We know that God sees us, that He knows us, our family and our needs. We know that He is in control of all things and that He has a plan and a purpose for our lives, good works planned out for us. We're even excited to see where He leads us.
Wednesday and Thursday though. Friday too. They brought news of friends who'd received diagnoses that weren't in their plans. Others whose lives were cut short or who lost loved ones. And truthfully in times like those, what do you say? What do you say to the one who's lost his job or the family who has said goodbye to one they love so much?
We speak love. We speak kindness. Here's a list of loving and kind words that we can all say to each other. Because maybe you know someone who's hurting and maybe you know someone you don't even know is hurting. And before you speak, pray. Because prayer is the kindest thing you can do for someone else. And then love them, not only with your words, but also in deed and in truth. Here's a list of loving and kind words that we can all say to each other.
- You're important to me.
- Be willing to make a sacrifice to meet their need, whatever that may be.
- I value your friendship.
- Send a handwritten note.
- I'm sorry your hurting.
- Be available to cry with them.
- What night can I bring dinner?
- Bring dinner.
- Give a personal compliment.
- Be honest. If you like their shoes, tell them. If you admire their strength, tell them.
- I love to spend time with you.
- Make a date to just hang out. Spend time listening to them.
- I'd love to help.
- Offer to watch their kids, do their laundry, vacuum their house, pick up some groceries.
- It's OK to not be OK.
- Be a loyal friend, show up.
- I'm praying for you.
- Pray for them. Every. Single. Time. you think of them. Think of them often.
- Can I pray with you?
- The words don't have to be perfect and it's OK if it's awkward.