
Start a revolution with me! Let's be bold! Let's love others in the crazy way that Christ did! Let's love each other unconditionally! Let's be real! Let's encourage each other! Let's do it all to glorify God!

Summer Thriving

Summer Thriving

I hope you read that to the tune of "Summer Lovin'"! If you missed it last week, I have a blog post over at Raising Generations Today.

Can we talk about summer? And #18summers #631weekstograduation #makeitcount?

Aside from the above hashtags, here is what I’ve read about summer so far this year…

  • Read with your kids
  • Flashcards (Don’t let them lose those skills they acquired this year in school!)
  • Let them be bored
  • Have plenty of activities ready for them in case they get bored (this should be done in a creative and artsy way)
  • Make them do chores when they’re bored
  • Make memories
  • Make every moment count
  • Spend as much time as possible outside

These are all good things written, undoubtedly, by wonderful people with the best intentions. I don’t want to cast any shade their way, but I’m not doing those things. Okay, maybe I’m doing some of them, but to be honest, it feels like with every article I read about summer, I just feel pressure to do it all. The average lifespan of a woman in the US is 81 years. I only have (roughly) 45 summers left! I’m really hoping that my kids outlive me, so I’m not doing this whole #18summers deal until I’m at least 63.

You can read the rest here.



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how to be a perfect parent to your tween